Tag Archives: Tokyo Hobo Orchestra

Tokyo Hobo Orchestra “Hobo Fes 2017” (aka My Summer Trip)

4 Jul

Every summer since 2011 I’ve gone to Japan to see Tokyo Hobo Orchestra. Summer isn’t summer without peanut butter popsicles and at least one THO concert (or two or three or ten SUPER LOL).  You could say I need summer THO. Get it? Summer sounds like “some more.” That was really funny, so laugh. Now continue reading.

This will be my very first time attending Tokyo Hobo Orchestra “Hobo Fes 2017” *thunderous applesauce* And I know everyone is wondering the same thing… “Will there be hobos wearing top hats?” and “Will there be top hats wearing hobos??” Well, I have noooo idea, because I’ve never been to Tokyo Hobo Orchestra “Hobo Fes 2017.” So, I can’t answer whether there will be hobos in top hats or top hats in hobos, but if I had to guess… sure why not! Spread the word. There will be hobos in top hats and top hats in hobos and top hats in top hats. 

I don’t care about any of that though! I’m only attending Hobo Fes to make new best friends… and to figure out my oshimen hobo’s home address.

Now for my real trip schedule (July 24–August 8)

July 24
July 25 Silent Siren 5th Anniversary Tour (Shizuoka)
July 26 Silent Siren 5th Anniversary Tour (Shizuoka)
July 27 Akishibu Project (Yuna, Natsumi, Saori graduation) (Tokyo)
July 28
July 29 Tokyo Performance Doll, SUPER GiRLS Roppongi Idol Fes
July 31 drop, Cheeky Parade, Maneki Kecak, R2K, others (Tokyo)
August 1
August 2 Tokyo Performance Doll release event (Tokyo)
August 3 Tokyo Performance Doll one man (Tokyo)
August 4 Tokyo Idol Festival Day 1 
August 5 Tokyo Idol Festival Day 2 
August 6 Tokyo Idol Festival Day 3 
August 7 GEM teiki koen (Tokyo)
August 8

Akishibu Project’s graduation concert at Akasaka Blitz went on sale on 7/4 and sold out within a few hours. Since announcing the concert last month, they hadn’t released any info on the sale date and I forgot about it. I happened to check their LINE blog two days ago and a new post (that wasn’t included in their LINE feed) mentioned ticket sales would start the next day(!) I scrambled and used japanconcerttickets to buy a ticket. I was lucky; looking at the member’s twitter accounts, a lot of fans weren’t able to buy tickets.
Silent Siren also recently announced a “world tour” that includes Los Angeles and San Francisco. They are playing in the same five cities as last year (LA, SF, Jakarta, Hong Kong, and Taipei). It’s convenient for me, but sucks for most international fans. Because their California concerts are in December, it is even more convenient, because now I won’t be compelled to go back to Japan, giving me the flexibility to travel anywhere during winter break. Maybe I’ll visit that one island nation. [Which one?] The one that is populated entirely by beautiful women whose religion has outlawed clothing. [Oh yeah. I like that country.]

Tokyo Idol Festival 2017
Looking at the lineup, 99% of my idol interests will be at TIF. [Great. So you should be completely satisfied and not complain about anything.] Wrong. I will internet rage until gallop+ and Narumi Takiguchi are added. [And then you will be happy?] No. Not until all the groups I dislike are uninvited.

And disband. 

Then I will be happy.

Tokyo Idol Festival: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a million times, super shame on you!

31 Jul

Somehow, I’m going to TIF again. I told myself I’d never return because summers in Japan are horrible and the past two TIFs were boring. This year is going to be different though. I don’t care as much, so my expectations are at the level of a normal, sane person. As long as I get my Tokyo Hobo Orchestra fix, I’m good. [Umm, I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to be attending. Since they don’t exist.] Fine. As long as I get my sweet sweet Chubbiness fix, I’m good. [They aren’t attending either. How sad is that?] Fine. As long as Yururirapo gets to hijack the main stage, I’m good. [Well, they are performing on a stage.] Any stage that Yururirapo performs on is the main stage! Of life.

My schedule: August 3-12

August 4 Yumemiru Adolescence @Akiba Cultures Theater
August 5 Tokyo Idol Festival
August 6 Tokyo Idol Festival
August 7 Tokyo Idol Festival
August 8 Akishibu Project  release event
August 9 GEM, YumeAdo, Up Up Girls, et al @TSUTAYA O-East
August 10 Fairies release event
August 11 GEM release event
August 12 drop, Houkago Princess, Maneki Kecak @Shinjuku ReNY

My TIF Schedule
Oh ok. Then the following is definitely not my TIF schedule.